Double Middle Letters

In English, sometimes we see double! In some words, there are two of the same consonant letters together. This can be seen in some one syllable short vowel words that end with a f, l, s, or z and are called Flossy words: Turn the drill off in class or it will buzz.

This can happen more often in words with more than one syllable.

Rabbit Lesson


When the first syllable of a two syllable word is short, sometimes the middle consonant doubles, like in RABBIT. But not always! In some words like ROBIN, there is a single middle consonant. Try the Rabbit or Robin online word sort. (Sometimes the word divides before a single middle consonant, leaving the first vowel open and long, like in TIGER) See Tigers and Robins and Camels, oh my! for more of these words.

More rabbit words…

Notice that the second syllable of some of these words have a Schwa sound: happen, lesson, kitten, rotten, muffin.

Cattle – Turtle


When the first syllable of a two syllable word is short, and the second syllable is a consonant -le ending syllable type, the middle consonant letters often double, like in CATTLE. But they do not double in words like CANDLE, or words with a different vowel sound in the first syllable like BEAGLE, POODLE, or TURTLE. Try the Cattle or Turtle online word sort. The Rabbit or Cattle online word sort has lots of words with double middle consonat letters!

A Silly Fluffy BunnyTricky Y

When the first syllable of a two syllable word is short, and the second syllable is a y that sounds like a long e, the middle consonant letters often double. hăppy, pĕnny,  sĭlly, mŏmmy, flŭffy, băggy, smĕlly, mĕssy, slŏppy, mŭddy.

The funny yellow kitten in the middle is bigger – Adding a Suffix

When the first syllable of a two syllable word is short and ends with a single consonant, and a suffix that begins with a vowel is added, the consonant before the suffix is often doubled. săddest, bĕgging, bĭgger, rŏtten, hŭgged.

WATCH videos and play games at the Rabbit Lesson Wakelet.

Remember! – You may see middle double consonant letters in some two syllable words with a short vowel in the first syllable.

Author: dailyplanit

I seek to create order from the chaos of complex information. Join me at the Daily PlanIt to gain insights, inspiration, and information to increase skills for a better life. I unlock the power of teaching reading with phonics in the pursuit of literacy at In my spare time I explore books and movies, often choosing titles available on both screen and page.

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